Policies & Compliance

OUR commitment to EXcellence

Committed to environmental excellence & innovative solutions in a responsible manner by delivering:

Policies & Compliance

Health, Safety & Environment

BMI seeks to create a culture in which HSE is core to everyday business. We are committed to continually improving through minimising the risk of injury and illness, limiting our impact on the environment in order to achieve leading industry practice.

BMI aims to achieve this through the following principles:

  • HSE System: Develop, implement, and maintain systems of work that ensure healthy and safe workplaces, safe plant and minimize environmental impacts.
  • Risk management: Apply proactive risk management processes that identify hazards, evaluate and control risks with the specific aim of elimination of incidents and injuries.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Commitment to the protection of the environment through the application of industry best practice to prevent pollution and reduce waste through innovative work practices and recycling practices.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensure compliance with legislative duties and current industry standards as far as reasonably practicable.
  • Performance management: develop performance criteria and monitor our operations for compliance against these criteria and regulatory standard aiming to continually improve performance.
  • Communication: clearly communicate our HSE commitments, responsibilities and performance to workers, contractors, customers, and other relevant parties.
  • Consultation and empowerment: Consult and communicate HSE matters with workers and contractors to provide empowerment and develop a positive safety culture.
  • Training and information: provide such information, instruction, training and supervision to workers, contractors and customers as is necessary to ensure their understanding of their HSE roles and responsibilities are competent to perform their roles safely, effectively, and efficiently.
  • Resources: Provide adequate resources to implement, manage and sustain HSE objectives.


Sustainability is core to the BMI business model in maximising the value of wastes through recovery of resources and generation of high-quality recycled products.  BMI believes this synergistic approach ensures sustainability is interdependent with the business’s success rather than a peripheral activity.

BMI furthers our sustainability commitment by:

  • Maximising resource recovery rates at all facilities by continually improving established processes and developing revolutionary solutions to emerging risks and opportunities.
  • Partnering with the community to respond to the local needs for a sustainable future.
  • Setting and achieving stewardship goals in social and environmental projects.
  • Supporting our suppliers, customers, and communities to become a more socially responsible and sustainable.
  • Being involved in industry groups to share knowledge and assist in setting new sustainability benchmarks for the broader resource recovery industry and provide leadership.
  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and adhere to regulatory standards at all levels; and
  • Actively communicating our sustainability actions.

BMI anticipates that through working together, sharing successes, and improving all aspects of the business, we will be sustainable leaders in the waste industry.

Reconciliation Action Plan Vision

At BMI we imagine a future where all Australians are united by our shared past, the present, future, and our humanity for one another. This is our vision for reconciliations.

We aim to foster reconciliation across our organisation and the communities in which we operate.  Through our journey towards reconciliation, we want to be able to acknowledge the richness of the histories of First Australians and create an inclusive environment where people of all backgrounds work and prosper side by side.

Modern Slavery Statement

While BMI currently operates within Australia and the geographical risk is minimised, we are mindful that there may be a risk of causing or contributing to modern slavery by;

  • Purchasing equipment from overseas
  • Using labour in vulnerable populations/ high risk geographies or
  • Through the engagement of recruitment agencies.

We are taking a long-term systematic approach to integrating an ethical supply chain framework and increasing engagement with suppliers to identify risks. To demonstrate our commitment, we will:

  • act with integrity in all our business operations.
  • engage talent using robust and defensible recruitment practices.
  • consider how our supply chain could potentially be linked to modern slavery.
  • evaluate our suppliers to increase our understanding of our supply chain and support informed decision making within procurement.
  • make a conscious effort to source suppliers based within Australia.
  • identify and respond to issues of compliance and concern.
  • review our actions on a regular basis to continually improve.

We will comply with our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), monitor our actions, and seek to continually improve our understanding of our supply chain and associated risks.

Greenstar Construction and Demolition Waste Reporting Criteria

Greenstar C&D Waste Processing Facility Compliance Verification Certification has been successfully achieved in accordance with the Green Star Construction and Demolition Waste Reporting Criteria for Waste Processing Facilities.

Stapylton Resource Recovery
Watson Road Resource Recovery

Environmental Permits

LocationRegistered OperatorPermit NumberRegistered ActivityLinks
Acacia RidgeBemcove Pty LtdEPPR00589913ERA16 Extractive & Screening activities. View Document
ERA54 Mechanical Waste Processing
ERA60 Waste Disposal.
ERA62 Resource Recovery and Transfer Facility Operation
MobileBemcove Pty LtdEPPR00340613ERA16 Extractive and Screening activities. View Document
ERA54 Mechanical Waste Reprocessing
MobileBCC Crushing Pty LtdEPPR00396913ERA54 Mechanical Waste Reprocessing. View Document
LarapintaParadise Resource Recovery Pty LtdEPPR00894113ERA16 Extraction and Screening. View Document
ERA53 Organic material processing.
HendraBMI Nudgee Road Pty LtdBRID0040ERA 62 Waste Transfer Station Operation. View Document
Redbank (Gypsum Drive)Bogside Mining IndustriesEPML00383413Mining ML clay pit mining View Document
Redbank (Austin Street)Bogside Mining IndustriesEPML02454414Mining ML clay pit mining View Document
StapyltonStapylton Resource Recovery (Qld) Pty LtdP-EA-100287544ERA16 Extraction and Screening View Document
ERA53 Organic material processing
ERA54 Mechanical waste reprocessing
ERA55 Other Waste reprocessing or treatment
ERA60 Waste Disposal
ERA62 Resource Recovery and transfer facility operation
StapyltonStapylton Resource Recovery (Qld) Pty LtdQ2801Class 8.2: Deep Burial View Document

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